Ask The Nutritionist: Balanced Snacks for a Happy Kid

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by Selva Wohlgemuth

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and owner of Happy Belly Nutrition

The crazy busy summer living is now behind us as we start up the new school year. In place of last minute camping trips or impromptu bike rides around Galbraith, schedules and routines fill our day. Life is busy but in a different way.

As a dietitian, and as a parent, I know having hearty, nutritious snacks on hand, makes for an easier, smoother day. A balanced snack helps keep blood sugars stable, “hanger” at bay, and therefore a more energetic and happy kiddo.

By choosing snacks that contain a good source of fiber, protein, and fat, you can prevent the blood sugar roller coaster and the dreaded emotions that come along with it.

However, not all snacks are created equal. Snacks that are just naked carbs, like crackers, chips, even a plain piece of fruit, can quickly lead to a blood sugar spike followed by a blood sugar drop, and usually the consequential meltdown. By choosing snacks that contain a good source of fiber, protein, and fat, you can prevent the blood sugar roller coaster and the dreaded emotions that come along with it, keeping you, your kiddo, and everyone else happy.

Here are some good examples:

  • ½ apple (fiber) and cheddar cheese (protein & fat)
  • Carrots (fiber) and hummus (protein & fat)
  • Berries (fiber) and yogurt (protein & fat)
  • ½ firm banana (fiber) and peanut butter (protein & fat)
  • Bell pepper (fiber) and hard-boiled egg (protein & fat)
  • Cucumber (fiber) and smoked salmon (protein & fat)
  • Whole grain bread (fiber) and liver pate (protein & fat)

Another good example are my Back to School Power Bites. Not only are they allergen friendly, but they taste like a treat—a little sweet and a little salty. They are rich in fiber, and pack a good punch of protein and fat to help balance blood sugars.