The Benefits of Becoming a Co-op Member
- Special order cases or quantities of select items and receive a 15% discount on special orders
- Members receive appreciation discounts in February, July, and October
- Participate in Co-op governance — vote in annual elections, run for the Board of Directors, or join the Member Affairs Committee
- Support local businesses, food producers, and nonprofit organizations
- Earn a dividend based on your annual purchases
Getting Started

Over 62? It’s free!
Click here to apply for a
free senior membership
Membership Support
- Become a Member
- Update Membership
- Close Membership or change to Senior Membership
- Donate your dividend
- Signup for digital receipts
Three Ways to Shop

Curbside Pickup Available at
Both Co-op Locations
Pickup times are available daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Co-op Membership FAQs
Do I have to be a member to shop at the Co-op?
No. Everyone is welcome to shop at the Co-op!
Can I shop at either Community Food Co-op location with my membership?
Absolutely! Your membership applies at both Co-op locations (Downtown and Cordata) and when you shop the Co-op’s online store for curbside pickup.
Can I use my membership to shop online for curbside delivery?
Yes. When you begin shopping online with the Co-op, you will be prompted to set up your online account in association with your membership information. Click here to learn more about shopping online with your Co-op membership.
Do members and non-members get charged different shelf prices?
No. Shelf prices are the same for all customers. Members receive exclusive coupons, special order discounts, and other deals.
Is my membership card a rewards card?
No. You don’t accrue redeemable rewards points or save a percentage off your shop by using your membership card at checkout.
Why should I display my membership card at checkout?
It is important to display your membership card at checkout, because your patronage dividend is apportioned in accordance with how much you shop in association with your membership each year. Note: Patronage dividends are only apportioned in years in which the Co-op is profitable.
Another reason to display your membership card at checkout is to make it easier to find a record of your purchases if you need to return or replace a product.
Is my Co-op membership refundable?
Your $90 equity investment is fully refundable. You have the option to get a refund for your equity investment when you become a senior member or if you choose to close your Co-op membership. The $5 annual dues, however, are not refundable. Annual dues contribute to the cost of Co-op elections, the annual meeting, and other membership events.
If my membership card got lost or stolen, how do I get it replaced?
You can always get your membership card reprinted by going to the service desk at either Co-op location. It’s free and only takes a couple of minutes.
I’d like to stop receiving paper receipts. Can I get them digitally?
Yes, you can sign up to get digital receipts by filling out this form.
Co-op Benefits FAQs
How can I use the special order system to save money?
As a member, you can pre-order cases or quantities of select items and receive a 15% discount off shelf prices across all departments. Some limitations may apply simply due to the ways in which the coronavirus continues to impact supply chain dynamics.
How often will I receive a membership appreciation discount?
Member appreciation discounts are preloaded onto member accounts three times a year—during February, July, and October—and allow members to save 10% off a shopping trip during those months.
Do senior members receive the same member benefits as other members?
Yes! Senior members have all of the same rights and receive all of the same benefits as other members, but they are not expected to make the same financial contribution.
Can members reserve and use the Co-op’s community rooms?
In non-COVID-19 times, both of the Co-op’s community rooms — the Healthy Connections Classroom Downtown and the Local Roots Room at Cordata — were available for Co-op member-owners to reserve for non-commercial use as one aspect of the Co-op’s ongoing commitment to our community. Right now, all public use of the community rooms is suspended due to the current health crisis.
How do patronage dividends work?
In years that the Co-op is profitable, members receive patronage dividends based on how much they shop at the Co-op in association with their membership account. Learn more here.
Co-op FAQs
What does it mean to be a food co-op?
A food co-op is essentially a grocery store that is owned by the people who shop and work there. Click here to learn more about our co-op’s history.
Is the Community Food Co-op part of a chain of Washington co-ops?
No. The Community Food Co-op is independent from other co-ops in Washington and across the United States. That being said, other co-ops in the area will honor your co-op membership if you tell your cashier at checkout that you are a member of the Community Food Co-op in Bellingham, WA. The Community Food Co-op does the same for members of other co-ops when they are guests in our stores.